Israel has been on our hearts ever since my father, Dr. Lester Sumrall’s first visit just a few years after statehood.
He took our family there in 1956 to live, then a war broke out. The ambassador said “Sumrall, take your family to Cyprus like I am and I will pay your way.” My Dad said, “You didn’t pay my way here and you can’t pay my way out.” So there we were. It was during the Sinai War, and we were living in Jerusalem. Yes, everything became different overnight. The international school closed, because there were just three students left. Three little boys, my two brothers and me.
What happened? Israel won. Everything settled down (a little). We stayed because while we were living as missionaries in the Philippines, the Lord spoke to my dad about his future ministry and part of that included Israel.
Has this influenced my life? Totally and in every way possible. Here in South Bend, we have a church, Christ Chapel, but also Feeding The Nations, an international feeding program. My Dad felt led by the Lord to help those in desperate need with food and the hope of the Gospel. It was to be “pastor to pastor, church to church”. From God’s people here to God’s people there, on the ground and, to the best of our ability, we have followed the same pattern. There have been many challenges but by God’s grace and the generosity of believers, many have been helped over the years.

Right now in Israel, they have many challenges. Challenges in the South of Israel and to the North of Israel. Pastor-to-pastor and church-to-church means we work with already-established ministries on the ground. They live there. They know the problem and how to bring hope and help to the people.

Will you help us help them? Locally they are stretched. They need our prayers and help. Pastor Israel Pochtar and his church continue to help immigrants coming to Israel. They continue to assist the elderly who are sometimes neglected and they are helping those affected by the war.
Can you help? Will you help? Praying is first always. After praying we give, and I pray that you are able to give generously. Thank you.
Yours for the hungry,

Steve Sumrall