Cubans have taken to the streets in historic protests and demonstrations against the communist regime, leading to a brutal crackdown by the Cuban government including death and imprisonments for protestors.
The Cuban people are suffering. Electricity is sporadic. Internet access which in many cases is the only way to communicate with the outside world, is being cut off. There is a severe food and medicine shortage. There is extreme need.
A brother from Cuba, sent the following message: “So sad to see that from the dark of dawn people go out to the street to hunt for bread, hungry people on the street fighting for a piece of bread. Wow, we are getting to where the word is fulfilled that says: ‘yet some will do wrong for a mere piece of bread.’ Today more than ever we pray, ‘Lord give us our daily bread.’”
Feeding The Nations is sending supplies. Can you help? Thank you for your compassion. Your donations are giving hope to Cuban families in desperate need.
Please pray for the Cuban people. Pray for their freedom, pray for provision and safety.