This Thanksgiving, we are thankful for you! Your partnership from the "first day until now" is what enables us to send food all around the world. The assistance Feeding The Nations is able to send … read more>>
“This mama lives in a small village in Malawi. Her husband died of sickness just six weeks prior to my visit, leaving her to care for five children alone. Her grass roof needs replacing and a portion of the back wall that disintegrated needs rebuilding. Who shall help her before the next rainy season? She
This Thanksgiving, we are thankful for you! Your partnership from the “first day until now” is what enables us to send food all around the world. The assistance Feeding The Nations is able to send around the world happens only because of your giving. Thanksgiving is also a time to think about those who are
Israel has been on our hearts ever since my father, Dr. Lester Sumrall’s first visit just a few years after statehood. He took our family there in 1956 to live, then a war broke out. The ambassador said “Sumrall, take your family to Cyprus like I am and I will pay your way.” My Dad