Friends, there is an urgent need in Venezuela right now.
We received a desperate plea for food, soap, shampoo, toothpaste and hygiene products. Children are suffering from skin infections due to lack of soap and basic hygiene; besides suffering from ongoing malnourishment due to lack of food.
You might not have heard about this in the news, mainly because the news cycle moves on to the “next” crisis, the next “new” news of the day. For some, what is happening in Venezuela is old news. But not for us.
We just received word that the rice meals previously sent are all gone. But there are still many children who need help. Just two weeks ago, the organization we are working with was helping a toddler, Santiago, who was severely malnourished and needed immediate medical attention. He was also suffering from a skin infection due to lack of soap. Tragically, he died.

Friends, this is an immediate need. We have the food in our warehouse. We have collected some of the hygiene products. What we need are the funds to purchase more soap, and ship the supplies to Venezuela.
Because of Venezuela’s current political climate, we cannot send a container at this time. Instead, supplies must be sent one pallet at a time. The goal is to send 12 pallets over a two month period. Friends, this will cost $24,000.

How can you help? Can you send one pallet ($2,000)? Maybe two? Perhaps your church can sponsor several pallets. Every bit helps to send these emergency supplies to those who desperately need it; innocent children who are suffering and even dying.
Thank you for your compassion, for your willingness to show God’s love to people you may never meet this side of heaven. We love because He first loved us. Thank you for showing hurting people His love.