“You can’t get much work done in life if you only work on the days when you feel good,” Jerry West, the Basketball Hall of Fame point guard of the Los Angeles Lakers, once said. This statement definitely applies to every person of every job type around the world, from athletes to accountants and zoologists to zamboni drivers. Everyone has days where they just don’t feel it. From bad backs to receiving bad news, there are many reasons that we might not feel good or lack the motivation to put in the work.
This week I am faced with the challenge of not feeling like doing much in the way of training for an Ironman 70.3 triathlon. I had a minor surgery on my foot, so I am bandaged, limping and not even allowed in a pool. So where does this leave me? With the opportunity to be creative. I will be getting in some extra bike work and focusing on strength training for the next 10-14 days.
Another great athlete, professional golfer Nancy Lopez, said, “Competitors take bad breaks and use them to drive themselves. Quitters take bad breaks and use them as reasons to give up.” This week we all have the choice of whether or not to give up, or even slack off due to life’s circumstances. I’m choosing to keep moving forward in life and in my Ironman training, which will in turn help feed many people around the world.
I hope you make the same choice to keep moving forward and also to join me in reaching the goal of raising $20,000.00 to feed many in need. To help me reach that goal, simply click the button below and choose “#TRI2FEED Ironman Triathlon.”
Or, text your donation. Text the dollar amount you wish to give to 28950 and designate “ftnkids.” You’ll then be prompted to provide your credit card and contact information.