Merry Christmas!
We thank the Lord for the blessing of you! Your giving and your compassion have given thousands of families food, clothing, shelter, baby items, and personal care items like soaps and shampoos.
You’ve shared the love of Jesus through your compassion. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only son… ” At Christmas, we remember again the incredible gift God gave the world, the gift of his son, Jesus, the Prince of Peace.

The world needs peace. The world needs hope and love. People need to know they are not forgotten that God loves them, that He has a future and a hope for them. You’ve done that through your giving. Thank you.
We’re sending a container to Malawi this month. Can you help? I know it’s close to Christmas, I’m sure you’ve already made your list and checked it twice, but can you add one more to your Christmas list? The children of Malawi? We still need to raise over $7,000 to send this container. Can you help us today? The link to give is below. Thank you. My wife Diane and I and our family pray you and your family have a very blessed Christmas.

-Steve Sumrall