The lunches are packed, the school supplies are bought, forms are filled out, sports practices have started, School has begun!
The start of a new school year brings excitement! It’s a time to set new goals and return to routine after all of the summer fun.

Students in other countries are excited about the new school year too, but probably not for the same reasons as our kids and grandkids who are excited to see friends, or get a new lunchbox and backpack. You see, it’s a sad reality that many children don’t have access to food on a regular basis unless they are at school. In the United States, children thankfully have access to government-funded school meal programs, many of which operate all year long.
In other parts of the world, children, in many cases, go to school not to receive an education, but to receive food. Public and private schools alike are able to provide meals only through the generous donations of people like you.
With the start of this new school year, schools need help. If it weren’t for the hope and assistance that feeding programs provide families, even the very young could be placed in the workforce or in very dangerous trafficking situations. Food is often sent home to the families of these precious children. Through the schools, families are given support and help for a better future.
I’ve been in the home of a family in Zambia. Their home was a tent. When their little boy came home from school, he brought his mama food. They were so grateful. Because their son went to school, they had food to eat.
Because of your faithful giving, schools in Nicaragua, Haiti, Zambia and Malawi have been helped with ongoing school feeding programs. With your continued support, breakfasts and lunches can be given to school children around the world. When children receive food at school, they are more likely to stay in school and continue with their education. Education is the key to a future that is different, brighter, and more secure than the reality they are living in.
THANK YOU for your donation. Thank you for having compassion on a generation of world changers just waiting to make their mark on their corner of the globe. God bless.
For the Hungry,
Steve Sumrall