As we sit on the other side of the world from Malawi, we rejoice in children being fed because of people like you who have partnered with us. We know that lives are being changed, but sometimes it is hard to understand exactly what these precious children are experiencing.
We thank our partner, Iris Africa in Malawi, for providing us with this story of a family of four who came home to the Iris Africa facility, a place where they can be loved, educated and nourished.
One of the greatest joys at Iris Africa is to bring children home. We recently welcomed four siblings into our Iris family. The village chief reported to us about their desperate situation and we responded immediately by providing them with rice/soy meals to relieve them of hunger.
After the death of their parents, the children went to stay at the home of their elder sister, Joyce, who is married and has three children of her own. As subsistent farmers in the climate of southern Malawi that is susceptible to annual floods or droughts, yields are most often far from enough. Ultra poor, and overwhelmed by the extra mouths to feed on the little harvest they gleaned, her own children’s bodies weakening with malnutrition, and fear that the worsening situation could have grave consequences for her immediate family, Joyce abandoned her siblings at the home of the village chief. Social welfare intervened with an assessment which resulted in approval for the children to be transferred to Iris Africa Children’s Homes.
Mwaiwawo, Moffat, Roza and Gracious came ‘home’ and there was great celebration that these lost children were found and welcomed into their new family at Iris Africa.

You can imagine the excitement but also the incredulity of having nothing, literally living in survival mode, and then traveling to an unfamiliar place with modern facilities, sleeping on a bed for the first time, showering under running water, light that arrives with a flick of a switch, plenty of nutritious food, and being dress in new clothes and shoes. It is overwhelming for new children, but they do take pleasure adjusting to their new heavenly surroundings.

The pneumonia and malaria that they brought with them have been healed. Their undernourished weak bodies are becoming strong. New friendships are being enjoyed. Education is being pursued at the Iris Africa primary school and they are all showing tremendous progress.

With the help of the rice/soy meals, we aim to provide excellent nutrition for these children and increase their capacity for life and for learning. We have already witnessed over and over again the incredible transformation that will take place over the months to come.

Thank you to all who have partnered with us to provide Iris Africa with food to nourish children like Mwaiwawo, Moffat, Roza and Gracious. Together we are making a difference. To make an even greater difference, click the button below.