We recently shared an update from our partners in Malawi, Iris Africa. We have more good news to share from the work they are doing there. Every day, they are feeding orphans, widows and the blind, including Rose and her family.

Here is an excerpt from Iris Africa’s report:
Both Rose and her husband Jafeti are blind and raising four beautiful children aged 3 to 12 years. They live in the rural village of Bzirkunda in the southern district of Malawi. It is difficult for the blind to access education, find employment, and be accepted by society. Rose and Jafeti are among approximately 136,000 blind people in Malawi, 80% of whom suffered from cataracts or glaucoma and would have sight today had they received adequate health care.
Rose greeted us with a warm smile and welcomed each person individually according to Malawi culture. She tried her best to accommodate us by speaking English, putting into practice the education she once received. Rose had the opportunity as a child to attend a school for the blind and her success qualified her for secondary school. Unfortunately she was unable to complete due to a shortage of school fees. She fears that her own children won’t be well educated unless she is able to find money for school uniforms and resources. At the time of our visit her husband was away visiting his relatives in the neighboring district.
Begging from village to village has become normal practice for Rose. She admits it is a hard life, but she has no alternative – she must find food for her children. She comments about the kindness she finds in people and gives thanks to God.
Receiving MannaPack from the Iris Africa feeding program is a great relief. It means that Rose can stay home and focus her attention on nurturing her children and encouraging them to concentrate on their education. Rose shared how beneficial MannaPack meals are for her children. I questioned Rose as to how she measures its success. She said that by her touch she makes sure they are ok, and can feel the gained strength of each child.
Rose had prepared a braille letter of thanks. We watched and listened as her fingers moved along the embossed paper delivering thoughtful words of appreciation. Here’s a quote from her letter.

“Life is not easy for us who must beg in order to eat. There are no government support programs to assist, we are on our own. Thank you donors who have sent us food. Without this help we would be in great trouble.”
Long term solutions are needed to help the blind survive challenging conditions in one of the poorest countries in the world, but meanwhile, providing MannaPack brings tremendous relief. Rose shared her story in hopes that it will help donors understand the significance of their gift.
Thank you to everyone who helps make missions like this one possible. Together we can feed more families like Rose’s. To do so, click the button below and donate today.