How Your Organization Can Make a Difference
We all want to make a difference. But sometimes the world is such an overwhelming place that we don’t even know where to begin. That’s why we have undertaken an annual Beans & Rice Challenge for the past few years. We are excited about this fall’s opportunity for everyone (an individual, family, organization, church, school, etc.) to host their own challenge alongside our event. This is a chance for people to cheer on one another, while drawing attention to the needs of the hungry and supporting them through donations.
With the Beans & Rice Challenge, participants spend five days forgoing at least one of their typical meals to partake of beans and rice instead. Doing this is a reminder that not everyone around the world has a stocked pantry or access to food options.
At the end of the challenge, participants tally up how much they spent on beans and rice, subtract that total from a typical weekly food bill and donate their savings to Feeding The Nations, so we can provide food to those who most need it around the world.
Just $1 can provide 20 meals for people in need. So, at the end of these five days, participants have been able to make a difference in the world without even leaving their kitchens.
If you would like to host the challenge this fall, we can help! Simply contact us via the form below and let us know about your interest. We will be happy to speak more about it with you and supply you with a media kit to help you spread the word and get others to join the challenge.
The media kit includes:
- A month’s worth of social media posts to promote the event
- Official Beans & Rice Challenge Logo
- Pictures branded and formatted for social media use
- Slides formatted for AV use
- Links to blog posts
- Copy for email marketing campaign
Hosting a challenge alongside us is simple. And it has the potential of making a lasting impact on the lives of the least of these. If you’re ready to be the hands and feet of Christ, to offer food and hope to the hungry and hurting, to challenge people around you to make a difference, then contact us today.
This fall’s Beans & Rice Challenge date will be announced soon! Be the first to know the date when it’s announced by filling out the form below.